
The Parque Cafe @ Eco Sanctuary

by - Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The presence of The Parque Cafe causes the aroma of fresh brewed coffee to be spread across the whole sanctuary which captivates outsider like me, wanting to visit the cafe eagerly. Parque Cafe is brewed and operated by an enthusiastic team called Coffee Concepts, which are based in Johor. Speaking of management, Coffee Concepts also manages Palladium Cafe in Eco Spring Show Village, Johor - the first cafe that marked their first inspired glasshouse cafe concept in Malaysia. The glasshouse cafe received so much love from the public that it has led to further expansion of business today.
Inspired by the recent top-chart music video composed by Jay Chou (Taiwanese artist). The beautiful and elegant looking glasshouse design is one-of-a-kind, as it does not required any complicated blueprints, just plain concretes, high-graded wood and some glass panels as finishing touch. However due to its design, it has limited room for seatings and the temperature inside the glasshouse can be fairly warm when the sun is at its peak. Best time to visit Parque - either before noon or late evening, for a better cafe hopping experience :)
"A pride that represents Parque, the glasshouse cafe design."

When you see an unusually small cafe that has more than one coffee grinding machine, it means a game-on! Parque Cafe is one of them, taking coffee very seriously. I mean, like... seriously.
A cafe having two or more coffee grinding machines are able to cater different types of coffee blend to attract more customers, which is an essential to the current context of all cafe today - because nobody wants a cafe that only serves one type of coffee blend, its dull.
Parque prepared a grinder filled with single origin (Ethiopia Konga) suitable for black coffee, while the other grinder is filled with their very own house blend (blend of Brazil Sidamo, Indonesia Toraja & Indonesia Flores) that is more palatable for the white coffee.
The Parque Cafe claimed that they will change into new blend after a period of time - so do watch out for their new blend in the future.

Capturing the barista moments...
"Surreal captures of barista's daily"

-> Long Black
Knowing that they have two types of coffee blend, I opt for a cup of long black by using their single origin (Ethiopia Konga) to start-up my day. A fairly "clean" cup that has noticeable brightness in it and loaded with fruity notes.

-> Cappuccino
As for the white coffee like cappuccino, the experts recommended me to enjoy a cup of white coffee by using their house blend that have mix-part of Brazil Sidamo, Indonesia Toraja & Indonesia Flores. A blend that certainly provides a perfect cup of balance, in terms of its boldness and brightness. Has a pinch of sweet chocolate, floral and woody.

->Lemon Cheese Cake
To spice up my cafe hopping experience a little, I got myself a slice of lemon cheese cake to go along with my coffee. The texture of this lemon cheese cake was perfect, as it reminded me of having delicious cheese cake in Artisan Roast Cafe back in the old days... The crust sprinkled with dash of sugar balances the acidity of the lemon cheese, Great!

Having said all of the above, I spent a great time alone in The Parque Cafe admiring the sight of walk-ins interacting with the passionate baristas, listening to calm music stream through the air and enjoy reading some random write-up over the net. A great place to be at...

Price & Service: 4/5
Food & Beverages: 4/5

The Parque Cafe @ Eco Sanctuary (Near Kota Kemuning)
Lot 41296, 
Persiaran Eco Sanctuary, 
42500 Telok Panglima Garang,

Brewing Hours:
Daily, 10 morning to 10 evening.

Facebook page: (Parque's Page) / (Coffee Concepts)

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  1. Thank you for coming and the features. Please come again.
