Coffee Cupping 101 by Jason Loo

by - Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Woke up in the morning, first thing first on my daily basis - is to scroll through Facebook News feed. Then, I was stumbled by this event, created not long ago by the Yellow Brick Road and with zero-chance wasting, I immediately sign-up for the limited slots by clicking "JOIN".
Yeap, Yellow Brick Road will be conducting their first ever Coffee Cupping session on 19 AUGUST, at Wicked Pancake Parlour. Hosted by their Head Barista / Malaysia's Barista Champion, Jason Loo.
I can't wait to experience it!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The day has finally come, whereby Yellow Brick Road hosts their first time ever, Coffee Cupping 101 in Wicked Pancake Parlour. Very casual cupping session whereby everyone in the event can have a glimpse on 'how cupping session' works. No experience needed in this coffee cupping session as this is YBR's first time hosting this event, as well as, the Head Barista will brief everyone about the cupping session in general.

So what's Coffee Cupping?
:-Coffee Cupping or Coffee Tasting is a practice of observing the tastes and aromas of brewed coffee. It is a professional practice but can be done by anyone.
-Moreover, the coffee beans that are use in the session, must be a specialty coffee bean(s), that must achieve at least, 80-points and above, in grading scale.
-Every specialty coffee bean have their own characteristic/profile to evaluate on.
-At times, some barista conduct coffee cupping sessions on selected specialty coffee beans to find a suitable mid-point where both parties, the barista and the customer will like it or find it suitable to preference. This process will allows the barista to set which beans to use for the business.

On the table, the specialty coffee beans featured from Nucaragua, El Salvador, Ethiopian, Colombia and a few more others.

Taster's Flavor Wheel for guidance or additional information.

These are the criteria on coffee cupping.
Here's the link to guide you about the terms that you need to know :) [Click]

To simplified the steps we did on coffee cupping:

The event start off by knowing each of the available specialty beans on top of the table, a quick insight of how the beans' shape looks like, the color intensity, physical aroma and so on.

Moving on by grinding all of the coffee beans, when it come out grinned - we were asked to double tap at the side of the bowl that filled with grounded coffee and then smell it.

Next, hot water is added into every grounded coffee bean. Identify the "Wet Aroma" by sniffing on top of the liquid. After that, scoop the top layer (the remains that float) into a waste cup.

Take a new spoon, scoop up some coffee and then slurp each of the coffee varietal at multiple times to ensure accurate judgement.

Out of many varietals, I found two varietals that are so unique.
The first would be Panama Mamarata Geisha (Washed) roasted by The Roast Things.
Secondly, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (Natural) roasted by Artisan Roast Coffee.
These two have very strong hint upon tasting it. I can't imagine how it taste like when infuse with milk!

What an amazing experience! It's my first time on cupping session and I get to taste many of the specialty coffee varietals! Moreover, I get to solved all of my doubts or curiosities by asking the head barista. I believe there are many more to learn.

A quick group picture before everything ends!
Photo Cred: Amin GZ

Looking forward for more upcoming sessions, cant wait to learn something different in the future!

Stay Tune,
Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Instagram for more updates!

Other blog post that you might want to read, something which relates to the above;
-The Red Beanbag: [Click]
-Yellow Brick Road: [Click]
-Wicked Pancake Parlour: [Click]

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